Saturday, March 10, 2007


Has anyone seen the piece in the Guardian today about the new breeds of dogs they are mixing? When I saw the newly named ‘Cockapoo’ I nearly wet myself, its so cute though, a mix of Cocker Spaniel and Poodle – but what a gay name!

There was another interesting piece about Google. They are copying, transcribing and uploading books for a new part of their site. I’m not sure I like it – does this mean book shops will go out of fashion. I hope not, there is nothing quite as nice as browsing for a new book – I should know I’m an addict!

As for how things are with me – fine. I am just plodding on! Have had three new ideas for future writing projects so have done as been told… am writing them down and then just leaving them. I need to concentrate on one project at a time. See I am learning!

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