Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Restless For Books

I have a real problem, I think I am addicted to novels, I am seriously getting through them this year… but I know ‘we have been there done that’ I just can’t simply buy one – I always have to buy more, and I listed my ‘unread’ books in all my (still unpacked) boxes the other night, when finding some for that I had read and not loved, I have well over a hundred books I haven’t read that I have been carting around with me for the last year! Am I being boring? There is a reason for my endless dawdling on!

Tonight was book group. I love book group, I like every person who has joined in the last 11 months that has joined (even the ones who have joined but never turned up) and we always have a good (if slightly hilarious and not super intellectual) debates about the books and I just love hearing how everyone feels so differently about one book. I think it’s amazing that a media like that can be so differently read by people.

Blah, anyway this month was Spanielle’s choice and it was ‘Restless’ by William Boyd that everyone is now going crazy for since St Richard & Judy (the saviours of books – yes that is sarcasm from moi) had it in their book group. I have to say that I do take the piss but a few of there book choices have been favourite books of mine. ‘The Island’ was one of my favourite books of last year, ‘Notes On A Scandal’ is another good one, I could go on, oh that David Mitchell book was bloody awful – I just didn’t get it, but you catch my drift.

We all loved the book, Muffin did her fabulous contrariness which makes me wet my pants and have to really battle it out with her. We also had a lovely meal at Giraffe, it was great. The next read is Kazuo Ishiguro’s ‘An Artist of the Floating World’ I am unsure but I will keep an open mind, he is meant to be a great author, we nearly did ‘Suite Francaise’ but damn it, it was piped to the post lol!

So of course I had to buy it tonight, and came away with two books. I think I may need to check into some ‘bookworm rehabilitation programme’. Have finished ‘Rebecca’ tonight and it is now a firm favourite. Ignore the ‘gothic romance’ tag that it’s been given, its not the least like that it’s just amazingly clever. Next is a proof book I am being asked to review (I am honoured) it’s a book called ‘Envy’ by Judy Corbett the tagline is ‘she thought I was her best friend – she had no idea how wrong she was…’ I funking love it already!

After that I must, must, must read ‘Star People’ by Paul Burston. I loved his previous book ‘Shameless’ and he was ever so lovely to me when I asked him some advice on writing – I then ran out and bought the book (a signed one too) and for some reason haven’t read it even though I really want to. See ‘book guilt’ whatever next?

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