Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Lady Who Gave Off Evil

Mitch came down this weekend. Friday was deadline day and I had a whole load of stuff to send of to GH. I then got reminded that ‘deadlines are there so that you have a last day of completion however Simon deadlines are something you should try and achieve before hand, even sending a constant stream of stuff’ whoops. I’ll be better next month. I hope. No I will.

So anyway Mitch came down this weekend as we had planned a weekend of writing and also we wanted to audition for Big Brother on the Sunday, well it’s the open auditions. It is now Sunday and I can vouch that me and Mitch have not been to the auditions as we have been far too a) busy watching Most Haunted an addiction of ours and it seems ours alone b) lazy c) hungover. Plus I found you can audition online so I will be doing that thanks very much.

We spent yesterday firstly in one of my new favourite places in London; it’s a greasy spoon on my road about 3 minutes from my house with a massive shit yellow sign and possibly the hottest (nuclear) tea/coffee in London. One sip and your mouth it healing for weeks, but it does amazing breakfasts for cheap and I love it in there. In fact I have spent a few happy Sunday mornings in there reading the previous Saturday’s literary bits from the newspapers.

We then headed to The British Museum which is really important to the whole book of COPL1. Oh prior to that we spent about half an hour deciding what pens we should write with in the new glitter-tastic notebooks that I had bought for us. We were both aligned that a writer’s pen is very important to the creation process, nothing to do with just having strange stationary fixations then? Mitch then felt ill which lead to almost a day long joke about her being pregnant which she was unimpressed by, can’t think why.

We did get some amazing inspiration from one of the rudest women I have ever seen who actually seemed to give off a poisonous air about her and has now become the face of our evil villainess. So thank you horrid lady who was exceptionally rude to the Chinese Tourist’s who could barely speak English and didn’t understand you. You made our day. Actually the bare bottoms in the Greek section also helped.

Got home, whacked a Chilli out, drank three bottles of wine and watched a solid 5 hours of Most Haunted before another 4 hours this morning with Mr B’s Brazilian Scrambled Eggs, there is nothing like them, so delicious. So all in all it’s been a perfect weekend. Oh and I don’t have to go to an office tomorrow, life is good.

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