Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Food Poisoning, Fevers, Flip Flops & Rain Drops and Final Philly Freak Outs!

After a fabulous weekend it was with great sadness that I found I had food poisoning. So did Mr B. We know where it came from, and all we will say is never order a Chinese from Garrett Lane. Spent the whole of Monday in bed (or on the loo) and felt royally crumby. I didn’t do any work, nothing, just finished off Darkman’s by Nicola Barker and felt very sorry for myself. Mind you I felt much, much more sorry for Mr B as he went to work whilst feeling seriously ill. So Monday was written off completely.

Tuesday was slightly more of the same and some fever which was lovely! Mind you I did manage to actually leave the house for the doctors to get some Valium, more of that later, and what is up with the weather? After getting some dollars and a bit of shopping from Sainsbury’s it started to bucket it down… I was wearing my thinnest pyjama jogging bottoms and flip flops. There is something disgusting and yet delightfully squelchy walking along in flips flops with the rain soaking your feet and almost slipping into the main road. It sums up my week ha, ha, ha.

Today I have been sorting out all the final things for Philadelphia. Most of you will know I cannot stand flying thanks to Mr Q. Before a one hour flight which hit an air pocket with someone who was petrified of flying from Scotland I was fine, now I am in the depths of despair. Thank goodness for Valium I say am hoping I will be very, very out of it. I also booked seats making sure I wasn’t on row 13, although I am flying at 1305 which is royally freaking me out! I have also made sure the books I am reading on the way in and out do not have 13 chapters in them, see we all have our little weirdnesses and this is mine! Oh and I cant see a window or a wing on the flight so that makes me happy.

So I must dash to bed now as I want to be tired but not disgustingly so on the plane, I have to meet a fellow journalist at the airport and need to be at least half alive. If I can will blog while am away, if not, speak when I come back! Eek, am so nervous!

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