Monday, January 07, 2008

What A F***ing Palaver!

I am slightly down and disheartened today. I have also had the weekend from Panto hell. I so wanted to quit. Like a resolute and good person I haven’t and have fucking pulled my weight and beyond this weekend.

Saturday had a wander around High Street Kensington to spend money and didn’t before going to rehearsal, got lost was late, so what. Oh well being late was a massive drama, and Dawny Owl was even later and we’d had to start without her. I then got told off for not knowing where I was from the man who still doesn’t know his lines, I wanted to tell him to ‘bog off’ but thought that was quite immature. It all ended up being good fun; I just was so tired I couldn’t wait to get home. Was meant to do something for Bent but having to be at the theatre at 9am on a Sunday I cancelled.

Sunday was when the fun really began. The set arrived, unpainted, we knew this as we were already prepared to paint (bless Mr B he came along too – so he could spend the day with me) we just hadn’t realised how much or the fact that we were expected to stay until 10 or 11pm. And then the set designer walked out…

Seriously, we had no idea where he had gone or how to put the set together. There is one thing I will say people bloody pulled together, we left at 10.30 as it was just getting too late. We were back again today and it looks great. I think everyone deserves a pat on the back and we’ve now bonded as a team as we’ve not really been out together or even been introduced in some cases ha. So that’s been good. Now all I want is bed and sleep, not forgetting the fact its first night and we’ve not had a dress or technical rehearsal yet! This is real drama at its best.

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